Matt lilley

Science, technology, education


The no-list reading list app

Reading lists suck! Save everything for later and then get paralysed by choice 😣 Swipee makes the choice for you. Instead of a reading list, Swipee uses a deck …


Reflections on my first attempt at making a tech business

Squidler is an app that a couple of friends and I dreamt up in October 2013. We wanted to turn messaging into a game. We didn't know how to code, so we taught …

Peer to peer video calling

It's built into your browser already 😮

My mind was blown today when I found out about WebRTC and how it can enable video calls directly from my browser to yours without any data going through another …

WhatsApp migration

How to extract links from your chats

I've got lots of group chats with plenty of interesting links that have been shared over the years and I don't want to lose them. WhatsApp doesn't give you an …


The free and simple flash card app

There's no such thing as an original idea, and this is especially true of flashcard apps. There are MANY apps out there and yet all of them suck (in my humble …

Particle in a box 📦

How do quantum particles move

This collection of tutorials is dedicated to exploring the quantum behaviour of particles moving under the influence of a confining potential - a "quantum box". …

Two state quantum systems

A model for solid state nuclear reactions

The Project Ida team and I have created a series of computational tutorials in the form of Python-based Jupyter notebooks on two state quantum systems. Nobel …

Nuclear resonance energy transfer

A Marie Curie fellowship proposal

The process of applying for EU money is (as with many grant applications) very involved. It does however, provide a good opportunity to condense your thoughts …

Deuterium cold fusion experiments

Prosasic explanation of my 'success'

It's been some months since the Deuterium drama almost put a stop to my cold fusion experiments. Luckily, I was still able to run a couple of experiments in …

Gentle nuclear

Engineering the nucleus

Have you ever thought about a world where nuclear energy doesn't mean radiation and toxic waste? Sounds like a far-fetched idea, right? In the video above, we …