Matt lilley

Science, technology, education


A decentralised peer-reviewed publication platform

It's no secret that academic publishing is dysfunctional. Much has been written about the problems and potential solutions. A friend and I have begun gathering …

Cold fusion

A very brief history

As with many people, cold fusion was thrust into my awareness in 2011 when Andrea Rossi claimed to have demonstrated cold fusion using nickel and hydrogen. …

Plasma art

Sparking curiosity in science

The walls of physics departments are often lined with poster contributions from old conferences. The vast majority go without so much as a glance from visitors …

Instabilities in fusion plasmas

A summary of my academic research

To reach extreme fusion temperatures, energetic beams of particles are injected. Once the plasma “ignites”, energetic fusion products should heat the plasma in …

Fusor: Star mode

Understanding if enhanced electrostatic fusion is possible

One of the original concepts for a fusion reactor involved the use of electric fields from spherical charged wire grids - something now known as a Fusor.

Play with particles

An experiment in cross platform physics apps

Inspired by advances in both web and mobile technologies, I created the Play with Particles webapp. The user is able to control the motion of particles through …


Bump-on-Tail simulation tool

BOT is a Matlab tool for studying the electrostatic instability in the bump-on-tail problem in plasma physics. I originally created this tool in 2011 as part of …